We conduct our business lawfully and ethically at all times, and protect the integrity of AEU funds. The AEU is a registered organisation under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.
The AEU is a democratic organisation.
AEU leadership officers, sector and branch councillors are elected for three-year terms. Elections were held in 2021 for the current term of office from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024. The next elections will be held in 2024, for terms of office beginning 1 January 2025. Elections are conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission.
A full report on elections is available to members upon request.
The AEU rules contain details on how to elect sub-branch representative positions.
Our structure
The Australian Education Union is a national body, comprising seven branches and a federal office.
AEU Victoria is the Victorian branch of the AEU.
Branch Council
AEU Victoria's Branch Council is made up of 120 members from all sectors and all regions of Victoria, elected by their workplace colleagues to represent member interests and guide the union's activities. See here for Branch Council meeting dates.
Notices of Branch Council vacancies that arise between elections will be posted here.
Sector Councils
AEU Victoria also has four sector councils:
- Primary
- Secondary
- TAFE & Adult Provision (TAP)
- Early Childhood.
Branch Conference
AEU Victoria's annual Branch Conference is the union's key decision-making forum, setting union policy and direction for the coming year. It is held in Term 3* each year.
Delegates are nominated from the schools, TAFE, early childhood and adult provision sectors. See here for Branch Conference date.
Union rules
The AEU is governed by its rules, which determine the regulation and authority of the union's decision-making bodies and of individuals within the AEU. The AEU Rules are subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation. You can find the AEU Rules, including the resignation rule (Federal Rule 17) here.
Rule changes
We will post any applications we make for changes to branch rules here.
Amendment to AEU Victorian Branch Rules
The AEU Victorian Branch lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission on 29 August 2022 to alter the AEU Victorian Branch Rules. A copy of the proposed amendments are available from AEU Victoria upon request.
AEC notices regarding "difficult rules"
- The AEU received an adverse report from the AEC in relation to election E2015/262 (Federal Conference Delegates). This report related to a Victorian Branch rule which the AEC believed was difficult to interpret. The AEC report can be found here and the AEU's response can be read here.
- The AEU received an adverse report from the AEC in relation to election E2015/238 (Branch Federal Executive). This report related to a Victorian Branch rule which the AEC believed was difficult to interpret. The AEC report can be found here and the AEU’s response can be read here.
- The AEU received an adverse report from the AEC in relation to election E2016/61 (Sector Council members). This report related to a Victorian Branch rule which the AEC believed was difficult to interpret or apply. The AEC report can be found here and the AEU's response can be read here.
- The AEU received an adverse report from the AEC in relation to the recent election E2016/149 (Casual Vacancies). This report related to a Victorian Branch rule which the AEC believed was difficult to interpret or apply. The AEC report can be found here and the AEU's response can be read here.
AEU reports
Notification to members pursuant to the Requirements of Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Act 2012, Fair Work Amendment Bill 2013 and Australian Education Union Victoria Branch Rules.
Member-only reports (login required)
The AEU publishes a number of reports for members only.
Annual financial report
AEU elections
E2024/101 - Scheduled Election - Branch Officers and Ordinary Members of Sector Councils
E2023/185 - Delegates to Branch Conference
The AEC recently completed election E2023/185 Delegates to Branch Conference.
E2023/169 - Election of Federal Executive Members (General Division)
The AEC recently completed election E2023/169 – Election of Federal Executive Members (General Division).
E2023/145 (Scheduled election) - Ordinary Members of Branch Executive
The AEC recently completed election E2023/145 Ordinary Members of Branch Executive (scheduled election).
E2023/46 - AEU Federal Conference, National TAFE Council and National Committees Elections
The AEC recently completed election E2023/46 - AEU Federal Conference, National TAFE Council and National Committees
E2023/109 Ordinary Members of Sector Councils – Insufficient Nominations and Casual Vacancies
The AEC recently completed election E2023/109 Ordinary members of Sector Councils – Insufficient Nominations and Casual Vacancies.