Professional Voice Journal

AEU Victoria's Professional Voice journal aims to stimulate debate on contemporary professional and curriculum issues.

Edition 14.3

The articles in this edition of Professional Voice cover differentiated instruction with an interview with Carol Ann Tomlinson, ability streaming, trauma-informed practice, and how teachers might approach issues posed by a rising tide of populism in the ‘post-truth’ environment. There are also articles critically evaluating the nature of ‘evidence’ and the role of ‘evidence brokers’ in promoting specific types of policies and practices in schooling.

Carol Ann Tomlinson on Differentiated Instruction and meeting the needs of all students   
John Graham

Student ability streaming   
John Graham

Populism, teachers and schooling   
Associate Professor Jessica Gerrard

Intimate Partner Homicide (IPH), the needs of bereaved children and support at school   
John Frederick and Eva Alisic

The Australian Education Research Organisation and corporate philanthropy
Emma Rowe and Sarah Langman

Evidence-based practice: Education’s panacea?
Stephanie Wescott

Edition 14.2: Re-evaluations

The articles in this edition of Professional Voice provide new ideas and understandings about climate futures education, pedagogy, staff welfare, professional autonomy, school autonomy, autobiographical episodic memory and a re-imagining of schooling reform.

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Edition 14.1: Assessment, technology and the impact of social concerns

This edition is about the impact of social concerns on education and reassessing two of the longstanding and still current debates within schooling – assessment and technology.

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Edition 13.3: The new basics

The articles in this journal make a case for reinterpreting the basics of schooling to ensure that education is fit for the sort of evolving society and economy we want to live in.

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Edition 13.2: Learning in the shadow of the pandemic

This winter edition is being published in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The articles we feature either implicitly, or in some cases explicitly acknowledge this situation.

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PV archive issues online here