Victorian budget delivers for public schools, preschools and TAFEs

The Australian Education Union says today’s state budget will deliver $3.6 billion funding for public education – preschools, schools and TAFEs. This milestone investment includes funding for new schools and preschools, upgrades for existing school and preschool infrastructure and funding to rebuild Victoria’s
public TAFE system.

“Parents, teachers and school communities expect state governments to invest in public education. This budget delivers significant investment for Victoria’s future,” said Meredith Peace, president of the Australian Education Union in Victoria.

“Victoria is experiencing record population growth, which means tens of thousands of new students are entering our preschools and schools every year. The budget delivers record investment for new schools and preschools, upgrades for preschools, schools and TAFEs and continued investment in growth corridors.

“Every Victorian family should be able to send their child to a local public school. This milestone investment in new preschool and school buildings means we are on track to meet the needs of Victoria’s growing population and to ensure all students have safe and modern learning environments.

“There is also significant investment in programs for teachers and students which will see additional resources for every child, and particularly those who need the most support.

“It is critical that ongoing and increased investment remains a focus for the state government in the future to ensure all children get the educational opportunities they deserve.

“Victorians trust TAFEs to deliver the skills Victoria needs. This Budget makes significant steps toward rebuilding our public TAFE system.

“New free TAFE courses will provide great opportunities for young people. The Andrews Government must be congratulated for making 30 different TAFE qualifications free for students. The benefits of free, quality TAFE education will extend to the whole Victorian community.

“In addition, more students will be able to access high quality training in up to date facilities as $120 million has been allocated to upgrading TAFE campuses in regional areas.

“This budget respects our teachers, principals and support staff by providing the investment required for them to deliver quality education. The Government has also provided the funding we have been calling for to make sure students are supported at key transition points throughout their education.

“The AEU has campaigned for many of the commitments made in today’s budget. The Andrews Government was elected to make Victoria the Education State, and it is going a long way to deliver on that promise. This level of investment needs to continue so we can plan to meet the needs of all students,” said Ms Peace.