AMES agreement update
- The AMES rollover agreement has now successfully passed through the employer voting process. The vote indicated 100% support for the rollover agreement from teachers who voted.
- AMES will submit the agreement to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for final approval, and then all teachers will receive the incremental pay increases.
- Bargaining for a full replacement agreement will commence once the FWC has approved the rollover agreement. Members will be kept informed of bargaining updates, and about how to form a log of claims, through meetings later in Term 1 and early Term 2.
Getting outcomes for AMES teachers
The AEU is proud to represent teachers in the Adult Multicultural Education Service (AMES) as part of our TAFE and Adult Provision (TAP) sector.
The AEU campaigns hard and wins big for its members.
The existing AMES enterprise agreement is currently in the process of being rolled over for a further year.
This will achieve:
- pay increases for AMES members
- no trade-offs in working conditions
- continued opportunities for secure employment.
With the AEU Victoria, you have the strength of 50,000 members behind you!
We have many campaigns still to win – so join us and become part of the growing power of the AEU.
AEU: the union for AMES teachers
The AEU is the peak representative body for AMES teachers in Victoria, with a seat at the table for all the major developments in your profession.
We have decades of experience and expertise negotiating better outcomes for teachers and their students.
Our priorities are your priorities:
- Higher salaries.
- Better career opportunities.
- Reduced workload.
- Reduction in the level of contract and casual employment.
As part of the Australian union movement, we also proudly work for a better, fairer society – campaigning for social justice, and proper investment in public assets such as healthcare and education.